The head monk greeted us and let us know that we were very fortunate to be visiting today because it is a religious holiday and they would be having a special ceremony. He asked how my mother was and asked me to send along his greetings to her back home. Prior to the ceremonial prayers, I had perform my own prayers to pay my respects to my grandparents and my great grandmother. I did so by lighting 3 sticks of incense for each of them and in a bowing motion with my hands clasped together, bow 3 times in front of their tombs. I also had to light 3 sticks of incense, following the same bowing motion while standing and again by kneeling on the ground, in each of the prayer rooms to pay respects to Buddha and other ancestors.

The monks asked us to join them for lunch afterwards and we had some great vegetarian soup (Bun Rieu) and dessert called Che Soy Nuoc (rice flour balls stuffed with sweet yellow bean in a sweet ginger and sugar syrup). It was quite tasty!
All in all, it was a very unique experience for me and I feel quite fortunate today.