Recently I read a blog written by my friend's coworker about Vancouver Men a.k.a. Douche Bags. Now please bare in mind, this was written by a straight man (who also happens to be a Scotsman) and in some ways, I think he's got most Vancouver men dead-to-rights. He sums up most single men in Vancouver to what I refer to as "a man-child". Men who are ungrateful, selfish, rely on handouts from their parents and do not behave in any manner close to chivalrous. I think this is true of some, but not all men.
I suppose the same could be said of single women in Vancouver. Personally, and according to a handful of my male counterparts, I find a good majority of women in Vancouver are snobby, high maintenance, gold digging princesses. Mind you not all of us are like that. I am not any of these things although at times I do like to be a little bit of a princess... but only sometimes.
As a single women in my 30s, I think there are three very important things every women must always live by:
- Always stand up for yourself. If you want something, speak up. If you don't want something, speak up. Having an informed opinion is a powerful thing so don't be ashamed of it.
- Believe in yourself. Know you can achieve anything you put your mind to. You can do anything a man can do... even pee standing up if you want!
- Have your own money. The days of relying on a man to support you are over or at least they should be. Women can contribute more than just in the kitchen, barefoot and preggers. Own your freedom.
I appreciate it when a man opens the door for me or picks up the tab every once and a while. I don't expect it every time but it's very courteous and just simply nice. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't do the same.
I think some men these days are intimidated by strong women. And what I mean by strong woman is not a bitchy cunt but rather a woman who knows what she wants. What's wrong with a woman that knows what she wants? I think having goals and going after what you want is a good thing. That's what makes the world go round. So why is it that when a man knows what he wants he's seen as decisive and driven but when a women knows what she wants she's perceived to be a power hungry bitch?
Personally, I think it's hard for men to accept that women want more and are capable of more. Men are, by nature, hunter-gatherers and being able to provide is ingrained in their genetic make up. Just as women have a tendency take on the role of the homemaker and/or caregiver. There are some things in nature you can't simply undo. Men are men and women are women. We are not the same and we are not physically equal. Regardless, none of this is a good excuse for being ungentlemanlike or unladylike.
Men in Vancouver aren't a bunch of Douche Bags, they're just a bunch of pussies who can't man up to recognize and accept a good thing even if it hit them square between the eyes. So to all you pussy Vancouverite men out there, "Grow some balls!"